How does Clutter Relate to my Energetic Wellbeing?

Why does clearing clutter matter?

Do you know the stage of any project – where you’re close to finishing and it’s helpful to start putting away and tidying up, so that when it comes to the project finale, all the focus can go on the project itself, wrapping it up in perfect fashion, without tripping over materials no longer needed?

When I make dinner, I do this. Even though I know there are after-dinner dishes and other post-meal chores, I find I enjoy my dinner more if I take the time to do a quick clean-up just before sitting down.

Well, we’re there now, collectively in the project “Human Awakening.” 2023 – “7” – on a scale from 0-9, is very near the finale. We’re not finished yet – there’s work yet to do – but this is a fine time to pause and do a nice clean-up before we enter the last beautiful and exciting phase of our awakening.

This means getting organized, clearing clutter – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually – re-evaluating game plans, and regrouping energetically. SO – if you feel like you’re not moving forward right now, this is why. The stage is set and amazing things are coming!

Read on to understand why this step is so very important for your personal wellbeing, as well as tips to clear successfully!

Why Clearing Clutter is Good for your Emotional, Mental, and Physical Health and Wellbeing

Clearing clutter is one of the most important steps you can take towards improving your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. Our environments have a profound impact on our lives, and cluttered spaces can create chaos and negative energy that can permeate every aspect of our existence. In this article, we will delve into the reasons why clearing clutter is so crucial for our overall health and wellbeing.

Mental Health

A cluttered environment can have a profound effect on our mental health. It can create feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, and stress, leading to mental exhaustion and burnout. A cluttered space can also make it difficult to focus, leading to poor performance and a lack of motivation. It can also result in decision fatigue, as we are constantly bombarded with distractions that make it hard to make clear and rational decisions.

Research has shown that clutter can be a significant source of stress in our lives. Clutter can create visual chaos, leading to feelings of overwhelm and anxiety. It can also make it difficult to find things, leading to frustration and a sense of helplessness.

Clearing clutter can help to create a calmer and more peaceful environment, which can promote mental clarity, improve concentration, and boost productivity. A clean and organized space can help to reduce stress levels and promote a sense of control, which can help to alleviate feelings of overwhelm and anxiety.

Clearing clutter can also help to improve memory and cognitive function. A cluttered environment can make it difficult to remember things, leading to forgetfulness and a sense of disorganization. Clearing clutter can help to free up mental space, allowing for better memory retention and cognitive processing.

Emotional Wellbeing

Clutter can also have a significant impact on our emotional health. Cluttered environments can create feelings of shame, guilt, and embarrassment, leading to low self-esteem and self-worth. A cluttered space can also trigger negative emotions and memories, leading to emotional exhaustion and mental health issues.

Research has shown that clutter can be a significant source of shame and embarrassment in our lives. Clutter can make us feel like we are not good enough or that we are failing in some way. It can also trigger negative emotions and memories, leading to emotional exhaustion and mental health issues.

Clearing clutter can help to create a sense of pride and accomplishment, boosting self-esteem and confidence. A clean and organized space can also promote positive emotions and memories, leading to improved emotional wellbeing and happiness. Clearing clutter can also help to eliminate triggers that may be causing negative emotions, leading to a more positive and emotionally balanced life.

Physical Health

Clutter can also have a significant impact on our physical health. Cluttered environments can create physical hazards that can lead to accidents and injuries. It can also make it difficult to maintain good hygiene, leading to the spread of germs and illnesses.

Research has shown that clutter can be a significant source of physical hazards in our lives. Clutter can create tripping hazards, leading to falls and injuries. It can also make it difficult to maintain good hygiene, leading to the spread of germs and illnesses.

Clearing clutter can help to create a safer and healthier environment. A clean and organized space can help to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries and promote good hygiene practices, which can reduce the risk of illnesses and infections. Clearing clutter can also help to create a more open and spacious environment, promoting physical activity and movement, leading to improved physical health and wellbeing.

Spiritual and Energetic Wellbeing

Clearing clutter is important for an individual’s spiritual and energetic health and wellbeing because it can help to create a more harmonious and balanced energy flow in their environment. Our environments are not just physical spaces but also energetic spaces, and cluttered spaces can create stagnant and negative energy that can affect our emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

Cluttered environments can make it difficult to maintain a sense of clarity and focus, leading to mental exhaustion and burnout. It can also make it hard to connect with our inner selves, leading to a lack of self-awareness and self-reflection. This lack of connection can result in a sense of disconnection from our higher selves and the universe, leading to spiritual stagnation.

Clearing clutter can help to create a more open and spacious environment, allowing positive energy to flow freely. This can help to promote a sense of balance, harmony, and inner peace. Clearing clutter can also help to release stagnant energy, allowing for fresh energy to enter the space, promoting a sense of renewal and transformation.

In addition to the physical act of clearing clutter, it is also important to consider the emotional and energetic attachments we have to our possessions. Many of us hold onto material possessions as a way of holding onto memories or as a source of comfort and security. However, these emotional and energetic attachments can create clutter in our lives, preventing us from moving forward and growing spiritually.

Clearing clutter can help to release these attachments, allowing for greater spiritual growth and development. It can help us to let go of the past and embrace the present moment, allowing us to connect more deeply with our higher selves and the universe.

In many spiritual practices, clearing clutter is seen as a form of purification or cleansing. It is believed that by clearing clutter, we are not only purifying our physical environment but also our energetic and spiritual environment. This can help to create a more positive and uplifting energy flow, promoting spiritual growth and transformation.

Clearing clutter can also help to promote abundance and prosperity. In many spiritual practices, it is believed that clutter can block the flow of positive energy, preventing abundance and prosperity from entering our lives. By clearing clutter, we are creating a more open and receptive environment, allowing abundance and prosperity to flow freely into our lives.

In conclusion, clearing clutter is important for an individual’s spiritual and energetic health and wellbeing because it can help to promote a more harmonious and balanced energy flow in their environment. It can help to release stagnant energy, promote spiritual growth and transformation, and create a more open and receptive environment for abundance and prosperity to flow into their lives. By clearing clutter, we are not only purifying our physical environment but also our energetic and spiritual environment, allowing for greater spiritual connection and growth.

Tips for Clearing Clutter

Here are some tips for clearing clutter:

  1. Start small: Clearing clutter can be overwhelming, so it’s important to start small. Begin with one small area, such as a desk or a single shelf, and work on that until it’s organized and clutter-free.
  2. Set a goal: Before you start, set a goal for what you want to accomplish. This will help you stay focused and motivated. It could be as simple as decluttering your closet or as ambitious as organizing your entire home.
  3. Sort and categorize: When you’re ready to declutter, sort your items into categories such as keep, donate, or toss. This will help you make decisions about what to keep and what to get rid of.
  4. Use the “one in, one out” rule: For every new item you bring into your home, get rid of one old item. This will help you maintain a clutter-free environment.
  5. Create a system: Develop a system for organizing your items, such as using storage bins or shelves. This will make it easier to find what you need and keep your space tidy.
  6. Donate or sell items: Consider donating or selling items that are in good condition but no longer needed. This will not only help you clear clutter but also benefit someone else.
  7. Set aside time for decluttering: Make decluttering a regular part of your routine. Set aside time each week or month to tackle a specific area, and stick to your schedule.
  8. Be mindful of sentimental items: It can be difficult to part with sentimental items, but it’s important to be mindful of how much you keep. Consider keeping only a few meaningful items and finding other ways to preserve memories, such as taking photos or creating a scrapbook.
  9. Keep surfaces clear: Clear surfaces can help create a sense of calm and order in your space. Make a habit of clearing off countertops, tables, and other surfaces regularly.
  10. Maintain the clutter-free environment: Once you’ve cleared clutter, make an effort to maintain a clutter-free environment. Develop habits such as putting items away after use and regularly purging unnecessary items.

Tips for Energetically Clearing a Space

Here are some tips for energetically clearing a space:

  1. Open windows and doors: The first step in energetically clearing a space is to open windows and doors to allow fresh air and natural light to enter the space. This will help to release stagnant energy and promote a sense of renewal.
  2. Use aromatherapy: Burning sage or using essential oils such as lavender or peppermint can help to purify the air and promote a sense of calm and relaxation. You can also use scented candles or diffusers to create a peaceful atmosphere.
  3. Use sound: Sound is a powerful tool for clearing energy. You can use a singing bowl, chimes, or bells to create a soothing sound that can help to release negative energy and promote a sense of balance.
  4. Clear clutter: As mentioned earlier, clearing clutter is important for promoting positive energy flow. Get rid of items that no longer serve a purpose or that have negative associations, and create a more open and spacious environment. (see above for tips!)
  5. Incorporate plants: Plants are natural air purifiers and can help to create a sense of calm and tranquility in a space. Choose plants that thrive indoors, such as succulents or spider plants, and place them throughout your space.
  6. Create a sacred space: Dedicate a specific area of your space as a sacred space, such as an altar or meditation corner. This will help to create a focal point for your spiritual practice and promote a sense of tranquility and calm.
  7. Use visualization: Visualize positive energy flowing through your space as you clear negative energy. Envision a bright white light filling the space and driving out negativity.
  8. Set intentions: As you clear your space, set positive intentions for what you want to invite into your life. Focus on positive energy, abundance, and peace.
  9. Get help from a professional: If you’re having difficulty clearing negative energy from your space, consider seeking help from a professional such as a spiritual healer or energy worker. They can help to identify sources of negative energy and offer guidance on how to clear them. (I book remote and in-person space clearing appointments! Visit and scroll down to “Other Services” or contact me for questions or more information.)
  10. Regularly maintain the cleared space: Once you’ve energetically cleared a space, it’s important to maintain it. Make an effort to keep the space clutter-free, and incorporate regular cleaning and purification practices into your routine.

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