
from a Spiritual Standpoint

Spiritual Integration is a critical aspect of the ascension process. It is the action of aligning the different parts of ourselves – the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual – to create a sense of wholeness and unity. This alignment is necessary to achieve a state of balance, harmony, and inner peace.

Spiritual integration is about bringing our external experiences and internal beliefs into alignment. It involves recognizing and accepting all aspects of ourselves, including our strengths and weaknesses, our light and shadow sides, and our spiritual and physical selves.

Integration is a lifelong process that requires commitment, dedication, and self-awareness. It involves exploring our inner landscape, facing our fears and limiting beliefs, and embracing our authentic selves. It requires us to be present, mindful, and non-judgmental, allowing us to cultivate a deep sense of inner peace and self-acceptance.

Why Spiritual Integration Matters

Integration is essential for spiritual growth and development because it allows us to transcend our limiting beliefs and connect with our higher selves. When we integrate our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects, we create a harmonious and balanced inner landscape that allows us to manifest our full potential.

Spiritual integration also enables us to connect with others on a deeper level. When we accept and integrate all parts of ourselves, we become more compassionate, empathetic, and accepting of others. We can connect with others on a soul level, understanding and accepting their unique perspectives and experiences.

Finally, integration is critical for our overall health and well-being. When we are disconnected from ourselves, we may experience physical, emotional, and mental health issues. Integrating all aspects of ourselves allows us to achieve a state of balance and harmony, reducing stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions.

Best Practices for Spiritual Integration

There are several best practices for spiritual integration that can help us achieve a state of balance, harmony, and inner peace. These include:

  1. Self-Awareness: Self-awareness is critical for integration. We must be willing to explore our inner landscape, face our fears, and embrace our authentic selves. This requires us to be present, mindful, and non-judgmental, allowing us to cultivate a deep sense of inner peace and self-acceptance.
  2. Inner Work: Inner work involves exploring our beliefs, values, and behaviors to uncover our true selves. This may involve journaling, meditation, therapy, or other spiritual practices that allow us to connect with our higher selves.
  3. Self-Care: Self-care is essential for spiritual integration. We must take care of our physical, emotional, and mental health to achieve a state of balance and harmony. This may involve regular exercise, healthy eating, adequate rest, and other self-care practices that promote well-being.
  4. Connection: Connection with others is critical for spiritual integration. We must cultivate deep and meaningful connections with others, allowing us to connect on a soul level and understand and accept their unique perspectives and experiences.
  5. Witness: Though similar to (4.) above, a witness is someone could can “hold space” – i.e., listen in a state of non-judgement and compassion – to the story of your journey. In this space, you aren’t expected to “reciprocate,” leaving you free to focus on you and your own work. Be very careful when selecting a Witness. A witness should be able to not only hold space, hold your story in complete confidentiality as well. (This is an integral part of my practice; if you would like to schedule an integration session, please visit my scheduling page or contact me directly for more information.)

Potential Pitfalls and Warning Signs

While spiritual integration is critical for spiritual growth and development, there are potential pitfalls and warning signs to watch out for. These include:

  1. Spiritual Bypassing: Spiritual bypassing occurs when we use spiritual practices to avoid dealing with our emotional and psychological issues. This may involve using meditation or other spiritual practices to avoid confronting our fears and limiting beliefs.
  2. Disconnection: Disconnection occurs when we become disconnected from ourselves and others, resulting in feelings of loneliness, isolation, and depression.
  3. Resistance: Resistance occurs when we resist the process of integration, refusing to explore our inner landscape and embrace our authentic selves.
  4. Attachment: Attachment occurs when we become attached to a particular spiritual practice or belief system, preventing us from exploring other possibilities and limiting our growth and development.

Integration is a critical aspect of spiritual growth and development. It involves aligning the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of ourselves to create a sense of wholeness and unity. Integration is a lifelong process that requires commitment, dedication, and self-awareness, and it is essential for achieving a state of balance, harmony, and inner peace.

To achieve spiritual integration, we must practice self-awareness, engage in inner work, prioritize self-care, and cultivate meaningful connections with others. However, there are also potential pitfalls and warning signs, including spiritual bypassing, disconnection, resistance, and attachment, that can hinder our progress.

By practicing spiritual integration, we can transcend our limiting beliefs, connect with our higher selves, and cultivate a deep sense of inner peace and self-acceptance. This allows us to live a more meaningful, purposeful, and fulfilling life, and to contribute positively to the world around us.


  1. Krishnananda, S. (1998). Integration of Personality. The Divine Life Society.
  2. Wilber, K. (2000). Integral psychology: Consciousness, spirit, psychology, therapy. Shambhala Publications.
  3. Rasmussen, K. (2016). Spirituality and Health: A Christian Perspective. Christian Journal for Global Health, 3(2), 34-42.
  4. Gough, B. (2014). Integrating spirituality into mental health care. Mental Health Practice, 17(5), 32-35.
  5. Sweeney, S. M., & Witmer, J. M. (2007). Beyond the Divide: Integrating Psychotherapy and Spirituality. American Psychological Association.

Note: All links accessed on March 3, 2023.

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