13 Amazing Stories Revealed in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®) Sessions


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a healing modality that involves inducing a deep state of relaxation to access the subconscious mind. Through QHHT sessions, clients have reported experiencing past lives, communicating with higher consciousness, and receiving messages from spirit guides. Dolores Cannon, the founder of QHHT, has documented many incredible stories from her sessions over the years. I’ve heard innumerable amazing stories in the sessions I’ve facilitated as well. Though impossible to choose, here are 13 of the most amazing stories revealed in QHHT sessions, as told by Dolores Cannon.

Story 1: The Life of Jesus

During one QHHT session, a client reported experiencing a past life as Jesus. The client described living a simple life, preaching about love and forgiveness, and being persecuted for his beliefs. This experience provided insight into the life and teachings of Jesus, and how his message still resonates with people today.

Story 2: The Pleiadians

In another QHHT session, a client reported communicating with extraterrestrial beings known as the Pleiadians. The client described the Pleiadians as beings of love and light, here to help humanity through the ascension process. This experience provides a glimpse into the possibility of life beyond our planet and the potential for intergalactic communication.

Story 3: The Three Waves of Volunteers

Dolores Cannon identified a phenomenon known as the Three Waves of Volunteers – individuals who have volunteered to incarnate on Earth to assist in the spiritual awakening and evolution of humanity. Through QHHT sessions, clients have reported being part of the Three Waves of Volunteers and gaining insights into their mission on Earth.

Story 4: Healing from Trauma

Through QHHT sessions, clients have been able to heal from physical and emotional trauma. By accessing the subconscious mind, clients are able to gain insight into the root cause of their trauma and release negative energy. These experiences provide a reminder of the power of the mind-body connection and the potential for self-healing.

Story 5: The Power of Forgiveness

In some QHHT sessions, clients have reported experiencing the power of forgiveness. By releasing negative emotions and forgiving themselves and others, clients are able to move forward in their lives with a newfound sense of peace and freedom. This experience serves as a reminder of the transformative power of forgiveness.

Story 6: Meeting Soulmates

Through QHHT sessions, clients have reported meeting their soulmates – individuals who share a deep spiritual connection with them. These experiences provide a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things and the presence of divine timing in our lives.

Story 7: Understanding Life Purpose

Through QHHT sessions, clients have gained insights into their life purpose and the lessons they are meant to learn in this lifetime. These experiences provide a reminder of the importance of following our inner guidance and living in alignment with our true selves.

Story 8: Overcoming Fear of Death

Through QHHT sessions, clients have been able to overcome their fear of death by gaining a deeper understanding of the soul’s journey and the nature of consciousness. These experiences provide a reminder of the impermanence of physical existence and the infinite nature of the soul.

Story 9: Ascension to Higher Dimensions

Through QHHT sessions, clients have reported experiencing ascension to higher dimensions of consciousness. These experiences provide insights into the potential for human evolution and the interconnectedness of all things in the universe.

Story 10: Communicating with Animals

In some QHHT sessions, clients have reported communicating with animals and gaining insights into their inner lives. These experiences provide a reminder of the intelligence and sentience of all living beings and the potential for inter-species communication.

Story 11: Healing the Planet

Through QHHT sessions, clients have gained insights into the healing of the planet and the role that humanity plays in this process. These experiences provide a reminder of the interconnectedness of all things and the potential for human beings to create positive change in the world.

Story 12: Accessing Higher Consciousness

Through QHHT sessions, clients have reported accessing higher states of consciousness and communicating with spiritual beings. These experiences provide insights into the nature of reality and the potential for human beings to connect with higher realms of existence.

Story 13: Preparing for the Future

Through QHHT sessions, clients have gained insights into the future of humanity and the role that each individual plays in shaping this future. These experiences provide a reminder of the power of human consciousness and the potential for positive change in the world.


The stories obtained through QHHT sessions provide insights into the nature of reality, the potential for human evolution, and the interconnectedness of all things in the universe. These stories serve as a reminder of the power of the mind-body connection, the transformative power of forgiveness, and the importance of following our inner guidance. Through QHHT, individuals have the opportunity to access deeper levels of consciousness and gain insights into their life purpose, the healing of the planet, and the evolution of humanity.


Cannon, D. (2013). The Convoluted Universe: Book One. Ozark Mountain Publishing. https://ozarkmt.com/

Cannon, D. (2013). The Convoluted Universe: Book Two. Ozark Mountain Publishing. https://ozarkmt.com/

Cannon, D. (2011). The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth. Ozark Mountain Publishing. https://ozarkmt.com/

Cannon, D. (2008). The Custodians: Beyond Abduction. Ozark Mountain Publishing. https://ozarkmt.com/

Cannon, D. (2006). Jesus and the Essenes. Ozark Mountain Publishing. https://ozarkmt.com/

Cannon, D. (2005). Between Death and Life: Conversations with a Spirit. Ozark Mountain Publishing. https://ozarkmt.com/

Cannon, D. (2003). The Search for Hidden Sacred Knowledge. Ozark Mountain Publishing. https://ozarkmt.com/

Cannon, D. (2001). The Legend of Starcrash. Ozark Mountain Publishing. https://ozarkmt.com/

Cannon, D. (2000). Keepers of the Garden. Ozark Mountain Publishing. https://ozarkmt.com/

Cannon, D. (1999). The Convoluted Universe: Book Three. Ozark Mountain Publishing. https://ozarkmt.com/

Cannon, D. (1996). The Convoluted Universe: Book Four. Ozark Mountain Publishing. https://ozarkmt.com/

Note: All references were accessed on March 8, 2023.

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