The Energetic Codes of Flowers and Bees – A Path to Healing and Ascension
In journey recently, I’ve been shown a great deal about the energetic codes of flowers and bees and how importance it is for us to intentionally work with water and flowers, as well as how honey bees influence our human trajectory. They aren’t “just” pollenating flowers!
Imagine my surprise when a client having a QHHT session reiterated many of the messages I’d received while she was in the trance state. (We had not had any conversations during our initial conversation about these topics…) And this session happened two days after I’d met with my beautiful and cherished mentor who shared an experience she’d had many years ago about healing she’d received from the plants as she walked by them and gently brushed her hands against them.
To start, I’ll tell you a little about the information I’ve been receiving. It’s come through many journeys in an incremental fashion…
Understanding Energetic Codes of Flowers and Bees in Nature
In the beginning, I simply noticed that I was being shown flowers. Later, I would see bees visiting the flowers, flying first to one, then another, then going back to their hive. I could see their little dance they do at the hive, directing the other bees to specific flowers. At first, I didn’t really dive into the images too much; I guess I thought they were there to help calm and center me. But after a few journeys, I started to think maybe there was more.
In my last journey, I went deeply into what I was seeing and started asking a lot of questions of my guides. I was taken deeply into the flower. I could see the energetic transmission codes that flowers hold. All plants, in fact, possess these codes. These codes not only heal or offer “medicine” to those that consume them, but they are also codes that are participating in this current human evolution that’s unfolding. They release illness from the body and neutralize “poisons” that are blocking our ascension. These poisons include emotional trauma, mental conditioning, and more. In addition to releasing, they also offer codes that help to structure our energetic anatomy, perhaps even down to the cellular or genetic level, coding that facilities our ability to absorb higher frequency energy without taxing our systems so much.
More astoundingly, I saw that this “highway of information” is multi-lateral. Gaia herself transmits codes into the soil and water. Think of this transmission as the base code. The plants themselves modify the code – with the assistance of the bees. While all plants are able to do this, the flowers and fruits have the strongest code. Why? And how?
The Healing Power of Flowers’ Energetic Codes and Frequencies
The energetic codes of flowers start with their anatomy. The flower’s stigma leads down to the style and eventually the ovaries of the flower. Pollen is transferred, via bees and other pollinators such as butterflies and hummingbirds, from the anthers (male) of one flower to the stigma (female) of another. When bees visit the flower, pollen from a flower’s anthers rubs or drops onto a pollinator. The pollinator then takes this pollen to another flower, where the pollen sticks to the stigma.
A flower becomes a fruit through a series of stages that involve pollination, fertilization, and growth and development. The ovary thickens and develops into the fruit’s outer wall. The ovules inside the ovary develop into seeds. Fruits are the ripened ovaries of flowers, and their main function is to spread seeds and help plants reproduce. (All flowering plants produce fruit, even if it’s not edible. For example, peppers and cucumbers are technically fruits, as are acorns, maple keys, and the outside of sunflower seeds.)
We humans consume plants, fruits, and seeds as part of a typical diet. As such, we absorb the energetic coding contained within. (Meats often also hold some level of coding, via plants they’ve consumed, but the potency is dramatically decreased.)
How Bees Facilitate Human Evolution Through Their Energetic Codes
Bees feed on and require both nectar and pollen. The nectar is for energy and the pollen is a primary source of protein, minerals, and fats for bees. Bees use pollen to feed their young, and newly emerged bees eat bee bread to complete their development. During the pollination process, the pollen sticks to the hairs on their bodies and legs to attract and groom the pollen into pockets on their legs or body.
They then carry the pollen to another flower (cross-pollination) as well as back to their nest. Often bees will collect pollen in the morning and nectar in the afternoon. Within the process of collecting and transferring pollen, and the production of honey, bees are able to transmit vibrational codes, through frequency (honey bees vibrate in the range of 320 Hz), to the flowers (vibration around 6-120 Hz, with Roses having the highest vibration at 320 Hz) and honey (187 Hz).
Many cultures and philosophies believe bees are messengers between worlds: the human world and the divine. The Xhosa culture believes that a swarm of bees visiting a family is thought to be a message from the ancestors. In Hinduism, the gods Vishnu, Krishna, and Indra were called Madhava, which means “the nectar born ones”. The bee is their symbol, and Vishnu is often depicted as a blue bee on a lotus flower. So while Gaia transmits her codes through the soil and water, the divine transmits codes through the bees and other pollinators, including hummingbirds and butterflies. What makes bees so important in this context is their association with cooperative behavior. They represent harmony, abundance, and interconnectedness; all themes that are vitally important for humans to learn and embrace during this ascension process.
Vibrational Frequency Chart (in Hertz)
Entity | Frequency (Hz) |
Humans (Optimal State) | 62-72 Hz |
Humans (Disease Onset) | Below 58 Hz |
Humans (Critical State) | Below 42 Hz |
Flowers | 60-120 Hz |
Roses (High Vibration) | 320 Hz |
Sunflowers | 120 Hz |
Dandelions | 140 Hz |
Trees | 70-90 Hz |
Bees (General) | 190 Hz |
Honey Bees | 320 Hz |
Bumblebees | 180-200 Hz |
Wasps | 150-200 Hz |
Butterflies | 240-400 Hz |
Hummingbirds | 320 Hz |
Dolphins | 180-200 Hz |
Whales | 150-170 Hz |
Bears | 110-140 Hz |
Wolves | 110-130 Hz |
Horses | 150 Hz |
Cats | 25-150 Hz (Purring) |
Elephants | 150-200 Hz |
Basil | 52 Hz |
Lavender | 118 Hz |
Bamboo | 70-90 Hz |
Mushrooms | 150 Hz |
What do the Energetic codes of Flowers and Bees Mean for Us?
The energetic codes of flowers and bees are powerfully healing for us humans. As mentioned above, the consumption of flowers, fruits, even honey, for those who’s diets allow it, all imbue the physical body with potent energetic codes that help us release inner blockages, as well as upgrade our energetic fields in accordance with this very fast-paced evolutionary track we’re on currently. Seeds and nuts also carry these codes, as do plants and vegetables in general. In order for the code to remain as pure and potent as possible, it’s important to choose fresh, organic vegetables and fruits, as well as nuts and seeds that aren’t rancid. Foods that are grown and harvested by conscious individuals contain the highest potency, thus having a garden that you tend to personally will yield produce that is the highest vibration. Conversely, conventional fruits and vegetables, those that are not organic and or have sat on supermarket shelves (often after traveling great distances) are the least potent.
For those that consume meat, just be aware that meats do also contain coding, but it’s significantly less potent that those received via plants and/or honey. Following the pattern above, meats obtained through conscious hunting and/or raised in environments consciously constructed to resemble the animal’s natural environment (such as pasture-raised meats) are best.
Practical Steps to Align with Gaia’s Wisdom via the Energetic Codes of Flowers and Bees
When I was shown the energetic light codes of flowers and bees, one thing that was carefully pointed out is that we humans also influence this cycle. This can be done in a variety of ways:
- Stay Conscious of your Choices. Grow your food and/or purchase food from local farmers who consciously and sustainably manage their farms.
- Stay Conscious and Present When you are Cooking and Eating. Preparing food is a process during which we have a great deal of influence on the overall vibration and energy contained within our foods. Obviously, it is of importance that high quality foods be chosen, because they offer the most for us to work with, not only nutritionally, but also energetically. However, intention during preparation imbues the alchemical process of “cooking” with potential energetic influence. For instance, most of us have fond memories of our mother’s or grandmother’s cooking. This is because those foods were alchemized within a container of Mother’s love; a mother wanting to craft healthy, nutritious, and delicious food for her loved ones. Thus, when preparing meals, your attitude of conscious love, service, and gratitude likewise infuse into the food. (Life hack: traditional recipes, particularly those that have passed through your ancestral lines directly, hold very potent energy. This is because each time a recipe is prepared, it retains the energy of the preparer. Thus successive preparations using that recipe links back to each and every ancestor that also used it, amplifying the energy of the food.
Similarly, remaining in a conscious state of loving gratitude while eating also potently influences the food itself. Not only does this state promote better digestion, extraction of nutrients, and elimination of wastes, it also reflects energy backwards and forwards to Gaia, to each plant and animal involved including the humans who tended, harvested, and prepared the food. This bubble of energy of loving gratitude is vast and extends far outward with only the minimal effort of remaining present while eating. - Be Out in Nature. When there, go barefoot, touch the earth, touch the plants in gentle and tender ways. Observe their uniqueness and beauty with gratitude and love. This is truly an amazing planet we’re blessed to be part of! (See “Blessing” below: principles of blessing can extend to every living part of nature.)
- Pay attention to Waste. In particular, water and plant materials should (minus harmful chemical contaminants such as pesticide, herbicides, etc.) should definitely be thrown out into nature to decompose. Urinating outdoors or using methods such as compostable toilets and/or septic systems, allows our water to return the Earth rather than processed through chemical-heavy water treatment plants.
- Source your Water. Similar to the idea presented above regarding foods, it’s important to source your water from a clean, reliable source. Tap water that has been treated in water treatment plants is usually heavily contaminated with chemicals and is essentially “dead water.” Water from potable springs is best, as is any water contained within fresh or minimally processed plants; this water is considered “alive” and the codes contained within are not only intact, but potent. Well water from underground aquifers that haven’t been contaminated through factory farming is also a good source.
- “Blessing” Your Water and Food. Key figures such as Masaru Emoto, Jacques Benveniste, Luc Montagnier, Gerald Pollack, Vladimir Poponin, and Peter Gariaev all propose ideas that are congruent with the power of prayer and intention to influence water. In particular, Masaru Emoto, in the 1990s and early 2000s, demonstrated that emotions, projected into water and later frozen, displayed different crystalline shapes depending on the particular emotion present in the focused intent. So called “positive” emotions (high vibration), such as joy, gratitude, and love, produced crystalline patterns that were highly ordered and symmetrical. “Negative” emotions (low-vibratory) such as anger or hate produced instead crystalline shapes with a high degree of fragmentation and disorder. Jacques Benveniste, Luc Montagnier, Vladimir Poponin, and Peter Gariaev similarly propose that water crystals can “programmed” by different solutes within the water and that this programming remains even once the material is removed. Thus forms the basis of approaches such as Homeopathy but also reinforces why water filtration systems might yet be a poor substitute for pure water sources. Gerald Pollack’s work – too complex to go into detail here – postulates a “fourth phase” of water called exclusion zone (EZ) water. This phase represents a structured, gel-like state of water that exists in a unique form and may help us better understand physiological processes and could extent into novel approaches to environmental issues. If we extend these ideas to food, each molecule of water within the food similarly holds programs within their crystalline structures, thus organic fresh, high-water content foods in raw form are going convey the greatest code transference potential to us. When we “bless” our water, and food, with positivity – i.e. gratitude, joy, and love – then we can influence the crystalline structure within the water molecules themselves, and that in turn, nourishes us in a different way, and at a far deeper level, than “conventional” food. (Also note that “enjoying” your food while you eat, actually relishing the tastes and textures, enjoying other people or animals present, etc., all contribute the potentiality of the vibrational energy of the food.)
- Next level “programming…” We can use natural items, such as flowers and crystals, sound waves, and more to program our water. (Be aware of which stones or flowers might be toxic and should not be placed in water to program it. There are a number of each. There are other ways around this, to be discussed in a later post.)
A Final Note
I’ve noticed before a very human tendency to want to take on ownership or responsibility for something or someone. At the root of this is a very pure desire and intention to be of service. And while that is a beautiful sentiment, it can lead the ego/shadow expressions if not done consciously and with humility. What this can look like is the intention taken to unhealthy extremes. Anxiety if, for instance, one forgets to bless or be in a state of gratitude while eating, or one buys flowers that are grown with unhealthy chemicals. In a world that generally lives far away from ecologically sustainable ideas and practices, it’s easy to fall short. Don’t stress. Stress will actually program in a direction that is chaotic and fragmented, so acknowledge and let go.
“Preaching” to others can similarly lead the energy astray. Conscious Conversation that is non-judgmental and open can be beautifully inspiring without the heavy energetic toll lecturing can being. Finally, for all the beautiful light workers out there wanting to deliberately influence codes, particularly through “channeled” or similar guidance, please be careful. Stay very conscious about your intention, paying particular attention to any skin you have in the game (so to speak). “Skin in the game”, i.e. having very one-sided, specific, preferred outcomes can be a sign that the ego or shadow is stealthily making an entrance.
Remember, the highest outcome can be achieved, not through any individual judgement or perception, but through enveloping energies of love, gratitude, and support. Sending codes that are based in gratitude, love, joy are the only intentions truly needed. Life is about enjoyment, and our pure pleasures of love and joy are the greatest influence we have on the future of humanity.
Masaru Emoto’s Research on Water Crystals: Emoto’s experiments suggest that human consciousness can influence the molecular structure of water, with positive intentions leading to aesthetically pleasing ice crystals.
Vibrational Frequencies in Buzz-Pollinating Bees: Studies have shown that buzz-pollinating bees produce floral vibrations with dominant frequencies around 355 Hz, which play a crucial role in effective pollination.
Plant Responses to Pollinator Sounds: Research indicates that certain flowers can detect the specific frequencies of pollinator wingbeats, leading to increased nectar sugar concentration as a response to attract more pollinators.
Plant Bioacoustics: This field explores how plants emit and respond to sound waves, including their interactions with pollinators and environmental stimuli.
“The Hidden Messages in Water” by Masaru Emoto: This book delves into the idea that water can reflect the intentions it is exposed to, forming different crystalline structures based on positive or negative stimuli.
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Many thanks to you for reading, for your sacred work, and for your willingness to be here with all humans, during this time of great expansion and evolution… ❤️